Where next?
DIGI.SWISS constantly follows developments with new digital technologies to be able to discern trends and be in a position to recommend appropriate technologies to clients when these can be of genuine benefit.
Current trends we’re following include:
Triple ledger accounting: How can blockchain technologies help validate accounting transactions and reduce or eliminate auditing functions?
Artificial Intelligence: How can this ever dominating technology be best applied to SMEs and specifically to their accounting needs?
Using New Technologies: How can we assist our customers in leveraging these technologies and present new technologies to make them work and collaborate in better ways?
How can we work with you?
If you are working on any new technology ventures we can work with you to help leverage the potential, and for any promising ventures we’re ready to help develop business plans and whitepapers.
When the project needs a financial review we’re here to review it from an integrated market innovation and financial viewpoint.
Great people and great technology both enhance productivity. Put them together in a well-defined machine and they improve it exponentially.
Ray Dalio – Principles
“DIGI.SWISS has been our company’s trusted partner for all accounting and tax issues. No unwanted surprises and everything well explained.”
I.S. – Swiss company, est. 2002
“Since we started using DIGI.SWISS our accounting functions have been transformed. We’re now working much more effectively using a free ERP system, and our book-keeping integrates into our invoicing. Brilliant!”
C.T. – Swissco representative
“Recently my family situation changed. DIGI.SWISS was recommended to me and I was able to save over Sfr 10,000 in taxes which even the notary had not thought of.”
J.S. – Swiss resident